How Do I Fix the Landscaping That Slopes Toward My House?

How Do I Fix the Landscaping That Slopes Toward My House?
While you can choose your house as a homeowner, it’s often impossible to choose the perfect terrain right from the start. That’s why landscaping exists, and it’s why many homeowners choose to alter the terrain around their property. A sloping landscape isn’t just an eyesore, it can be a danger in the event of a heavy rain storm. In this article, we explore how to fix the landscaping that slopes toward your house, and why it’s one of the most important home issues that you can have addressed.

How Do I Fix the Landscaping That Slopes Toward My House?

Why Landscaping Slopes Should be Fixed

Most homeowners want to do something with their landscaping, whether their idea is creating a rose garden or installing a swimming pool. Landscaping slopes can make this very simple change impossible – and that’s why many people start with terrain alterations before anything else.
Before you can make any other serious plans for your garden or change the view, you have to fix the terrain that you are trying to do it on.
Landscaping slopes near the home aren’t just an eyesore, but they can be a potential danger for homeowners. It can compromise the structural integrity of your home and its surroundings in the event of a storm – and slopes can lead water and debris straight to your house instead of away from it.
In the event of extreme weather conditions, slopes can even cause landslides – and this is going to be thousands worth of potential damage, where altering the terrain to remove the slope could have just cost you less.

How to Fix Landscaping that Slopes Toward Your House

Regrading your lawn, or more specifically, leveling it, offers the most effective solution for fixing landscaping that slopes towards your house. By carefully removing the topsoil from the highest elevation and moving it to the lowest points near your home, you can successfully reduce the slope leading toward your house.

Do you need permission?

While you do not always need permission to alter the terrain of your property, if your property is large or if the slope crosses into any territory that isn’t yours, it’s safer to check with your city planning department.
In the event that digging is required to fix landscaping slopes, call 811, or request a locate to have underground utilities marked.
If you are a tenant, then you may need to get written permission from the landlord. In many cases, once they see why the alteration is a necessity, most property owners are willing to allow this change.

Should you get professional help?

Most homeowners aren’t professional landscapers, and fixing a landscaping slope is a bigger job than most people would imagine. Fixing a landscaping slope is not something you can do with just a few shovels and a week. Instead, this type of alteration to your landscape is something that needs professional earthmoving equipment, and a basic safety assessment of the terrain.
Ideally, the answer is yes. Get a trusted, local landscaping company to help you fix a landscaping slope unless you have access to the right equipment, knowledge, and experience to do it yourself.

Finding a Landscaping Company Near You

Not all landscaping companies are created alike. You want to choose a landscaping contractor in your area who has the best qualifications and also matches your budget. Don’t choose a landscaping company that isn’t willing to show their experience with your type of project or their registration.
Ask around before making your final choice of a landscaping contractor near you. Oftentimes times it helps to seek recommendations from friends and family members in the area for landscaping companies that completed a project similar to the one you would like to be done.

SOLMAUNA Creations & Landscaping Designs in Colorado

Our team of landscape designers brings a unique combination of landscape architecture education paired with extensive knowledge of plants to the table. Contact us today.

How Do I Fix the Landscaping That Slopes Toward My House?

How Do I Fix the Landscaping That Slopes Toward My House?
While you can choose your house as a homeowner, it’s often impossible to choose the perfect terrain right from the start. That’s why landscaping exists, and it’s why many homeowners choose to alter the terrain around their property. A sloping landscape isn’t just an eyesore, it can be a danger in the event of a heavy rain storm. In this article, we explore how to fix the landscaping that slopes toward your house, and why it’s one of the most important home issues that you can have addressed.

How Do I Fix the Landscaping That Slopes Toward My House?

Why Landscaping Slopes Should be Fixed

Most homeowners want to do something with their landscaping, whether their idea is creating a rose garden or installing a swimming pool. Landscaping slopes can make this very simple change impossible – and that’s why many people start with terrain alterations before anything else.
Before you can make any other serious plans for your garden or change the view, you have to fix the terrain that you are trying to do it on.
Landscaping slopes near the home aren’t just an eyesore, but they can be a potential danger for homeowners. It can compromise the structural integrity of your home and its surroundings in the event of a storm – and slopes can lead water and debris straight to your house instead of away from it.
In the event of extreme weather conditions, slopes can even cause landslides – and this is going to be thousands worth of potential damage, where altering the terrain to remove the slope could have just cost you less.

How to Fix Landscaping that Slopes Toward Your House

Regrading your lawn, or more specifically, leveling it, offers the most effective solution for fixing landscaping that slopes towards your house. By carefully removing the topsoil from the highest elevation and moving it to the lowest points near your home, you can successfully reduce the slope leading toward your house.

Do you need permission?

While you do not always need permission to alter the terrain of your property, if your property is large or if the slope crosses into any territory that isn’t yours, it’s safer to check with your city planning department.
In the event that digging is required to fix landscaping slopes, call 811, or request a locate to have underground utilities marked.
If you are a tenant, then you may need to get written permission from the landlord. In many cases, once they see why the alteration is a necessity, most property owners are willing to allow this change.

Should you get professional help?

Most homeowners aren’t professional landscapers, and fixing a landscaping slope is a bigger job than most people would imagine. Fixing a landscaping slope is not something you can do with just a few shovels and a week. Instead, this type of alteration to your landscape is something that needs professional earthmoving equipment, and a basic safety assessment of the terrain.
Ideally, the answer is yes. Get a trusted, local landscaping company to help you fix a landscaping slope unless you have access to the right equipment, knowledge, and experience to do it yourself.

Finding a Landscaping Company Near You

Not all landscaping companies are created alike. You want to choose a landscaping contractor in your area who has the best qualifications and also matches your budget. Don’t choose a landscaping company that isn’t willing to show their experience with your type of project or their registration.
Ask around before making your final choice of a landscaping contractor near you. Oftentimes times it helps to seek recommendations from friends and family members in the area for landscaping companies that completed a project similar to the one you would like to be done.

SOLMAUNA Creations & Landscaping Designs in Colorado

Our team of landscape designers brings a unique combination of landscape architecture education paired with extensive knowledge of plants to the table. Contact us today.